Sylphieee (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚さんのプロフィール画像

Sylphieee (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚さんのイラストまとめ

Unsalvageable from
→世界之外 Beyond The World
→あくあや AkuAya

What is rest when clown is me
DM open
I don't do Follow Back, so move on, you do you

フォロー数:223 フォロワー数:1157

路辰 Alkaid (SR) - 剧中剧 Drama Within Drama
【Follow me, next up is the One-act Play dedicated to you.】
【Won't it be unfair, that I'm the only one opening the presents?】

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罗夏 Rorschach (SR) - 专属夜 Exclusive Night
【The exclusive gift for Christmas, and it needs the Little Painter to sign and take the gift.】
【Even if we meet one another again as a stranger, my heart will still beat for you.】

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叶瑄 Emerald (SSR) - 鹿车巡游 Sleigh Cruising
【Reindeers run swiftly, so you need to hold onto me tightly.】
【It may be difficult for Fairy Tale to come true, but I will be your Santa for today.】

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司岚 Clarence (SSR) - 糖心蜜意 Honey Laced Sweet Wish
【Your wish may be even more efficacious if I decorate the Christmas Tree with my own hands.】
【That's me and you? They are matching, and this small house is nice to stay in too.】

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【Strolling Casablanca | Emerald 2021 Birthday Event Preview】
He had mentioned of a movie on a wishing card; and the title of the movie, is this city in white.
Repainting the Casablanca in the memories, this time, let me be his exclusive guide.

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【Emerald's Birthday·Past Comeback】
"We will meet again, some sunny day."
(fyi, it's from a song lyric)

This his Paint Soul and Outfit (his 2D Live not released at that point) on 2020~

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And now dying again cuz loser of each Battle Royale will have them turn into dolls and will never be able to leave Never↓and; and the complex r/ship; and how the closest ones have the most conflicting wishes
*screams at the horror of Ichiya and Nanase Sleeping+Doll Sprite*

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Chara Intro·The Present
The Silver Admiral of the Empire who receives a message while he heads to the Spirit World for an investigation. Currently searching for a girl.

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Chara Intro·The Past
The young traveler from the flourished era of the White City, who meets a certain girl in Mirey Island as an escort.

The young traveler who follows Emerald around. He has a soft spot for rearing birds.

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Bili just refused to upload the 2nd Recall, so it will be like this~

【Murder Mystery·Performing on the Same Stage】- 2 Stars
"Have you immersed into your role? The story of this era requires us to perform together."

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