

I am Synni, I use she/her. Fresh 20 year old.
I'm going to die…

フォロー数:199 フォロワー数:9185

If you're questioning my morals, my DA has a nice little desc that couldn't be copy-pasted here.

6 93

Inspired by a youtube comment
Sans snatches Scootaloo’s hair and she gets mad

Scootaloo (c) hasbro
Sans (c) Toby Fox

8 169

This is my FIRST drawing in Paint tool SAI, I've wanted the program since I was a smol cuz of the blending brush, and finally being able to use it is making me nUT-

I didn't know what to draw first, so have an edgy Scootaloo.

Scootaloo (c) hasbro

11 185

I literally made this just for an art display at my dad's workplace
I tried to push myself a bit by giving this a VERY simple background, it's a baby step, but I wanna be able to draw full illustrations at some point. UwU

Kris, Frisk, Chara (c) Toby Fox

12 174

Not a vent, just a spooky pic of me and Kayla.

look into my eyes

very sp00k

6 178

This is my Friend's character, her name is Kibo UwU. She made it from my Species layout, the same one I used for my new Fursona. I'm still not uploading the species layout cuz me not comfortable with that qwp
but I like the character and oof have the bean

6 126

this is months old but-
Me, Kaxy and Kayla were all drawing Lamias(basically snake people) and I made Scooter into one cuz hecc I hadn't drawn Sansaloo fluff in a while so here.

Scootaloo (c) hasbro
Sans (c) Toby Fox

4 169

This isn't a ref sheet for Celestia, I'm gonna have to make one tho. (cuz I really wanna draw her dress hh)
This is how tall her Anthro form would be in Ponytale. She very big, very spooky.
She will fricc you up

Princess Celestia (c) hasbro

8 163

I used my 3D base again(first use being this:
I made the legs a bit longer and actually used it for it's intended purpose... perspective drawings.
How does this look?

Scootaloo (c) hasbro

12 169