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Level V Reaper Emissary flag has been delivered (we killed some Sea Dogs huehue~) 💀
Not to brag about it but today I have finally finished a lineart (abolish linearts fr) for a commission for my bf, which I've been putting off for months now (not looking good for me but it's the only case the that) and I can finally get to colouring it which I love ehehe~
I've been playing TRK and I've just noticed that Ahri's claws grew and started glowing once I killed a powerful NPC by her soulsucking bite on fully stack essence theft and it looks so cool
(or maybe it's always been like this and I haven't noticed but I doubt that)
I'll never be able to express how this brush made me draw and not care about how it looks, just free my ideas.
Plus my lineart is not so bad when I draw it only anymore :>
Kraken sister, Goha, in her younger ears, when sea was still ancient
(and has the most stylish and fitting weapon I've seen in this game 💜)