

音楽とアロマ、Monster Energyとウォッカと紅茶とハーブティーが好物の龍5150信者。時々歌ってみた上げ
幻想神域(*, 繚乱の憐華, 他サブ9体) /崩壊3rd(*艦長) /アークナイツ(Dr.タチカゼ) /MHサンブレイク /感染×少女(*@綴教団 参謀) /Steam

フォロー数:197 フォロワー数:176

I have the same burnout and have had my ups and downs in the presence of others.
I have recently come to realize that I shouldn't beat myself up if they don't understand....
I am just thankful that I have friends who look out for me even in such times!
*big hug*

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Take care of yourself. (;→꒳←)💦
It's ok to be down and don't beat yourself up over what they say!
*big hug*

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My Friend, glad you are safe!! ✨
I know I haven't been able to cheer you on lately, but just remember that I'm on your side! d(*´▽`*)💞
I hope your grandfather is doing well again.🥺
*fox hug*

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I've been curious about this one for a while now, and I'm hoping to check it out after i watch the drama series i'm watching right now! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✨
Yeah. I'll tell you what I think after I see it!
We'll cry together then.😭💞

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