

25 Autistic 🏳️‍⚧️She/Her🏳️‍⚧️ Lesbian
Sometimes has takes, makes shitposts and fan art.
runs twitter.com/ConnorO87287998
Screw NFTs and AI "art"

フォロー数:336 フォロワー数:63

Meiko making the Komi face. I am genuinely surprised I've seen literally no one else in the digimon fanbase make this joke with Meiko before... Oh well I guess that makes me the first then.

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December 2021 vs December 2022

For Christmas I decided to remake that one fanart of Meimei in her christmas swimsuit. I'd say the difference is night and day.

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Oh I thought you were referring to me who goes by RaguelCon on that game which is actually supposed to be a wordplay on the digimon Raguelmon (who is very clearly named after the angel Raguel) and my name. I've also used the roller but right now I'm a bucket user.

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supposed to be male power fantasies and that argument may work for a design like Leomon but can you honestly tell me all the shirtless scenes of Taichi/Tai and Yamato/Matt (who aren't even the only ones we see shirtless mind you) are anything other than the animators being

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You know, I'd probably understand the criticisms towards tri's fanservicey bikini artwork a lot more if it weren't for the mostly similar amount of blatant shirtless manservice tri made. Yes I know some scenes of shirtless male characters are

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Donkey Kong vs Crash Bandicoot
I traced over a screenshot of DK from smash bros to get the punching pose and two different renders of Crash with noticeably different designs from each other to get the jumping pose.

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My thought process when commissioning him was Sora's outfit being red to match the crest of love, Mimi's green for the crest of purity/sincerity, Hikari/Kari's pink for the crest of light, Miyako/Yolei's to match her digimentals and Meiko's to match her digivice.

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Knuckles vs Raphael (Sonic the Hedgehog vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
The versions of Knuckles and Raphael aren't necessarily based on one specific version since I combined multiple elements for both characters.

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