

Zapcat Enthusiast | Part-time Artist ? Full-time Problem | R18 | No Minors

フォロー数:502 フォロワー数:1693

This is Prince Kaynin, the guy who unironically goes 'is this one of those peasant things I'm too rich to understand?'

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My current icon was something recent-ish!

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This year you're mine definitelyfloof! ❤️
And you, whom will be yours?
via https://t.co/Afzun8SvOV

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I've got cop cat girlfriend if you're interested! Excuse Twitter's awful cropping.

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I've just started streaming, join me here: https://t.co/q0Dy7hmowV

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Real glad to see you up and running again LD!
If there's ever a chance to commission ya do let me know aye!

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