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# fgo

Little Okitan wants to help Master: Part 29 [1500 Special]

67 489

Preview for Chp29~ will upload it tomorrow! It would be amazing if you can tell which servant was picked just from this panel alone

5 48

Taking a break till next event

93 647

1500 FOLLOWERS!~ Thank you for your ever loving support! Let’s do another servant cameo raffle for LOWtHM! 🍢🍢

❤️ Like & Follow me
🖍️ Comment on this tweet with a servant name
📢 Only servants from NA server

Will start picking at 👉 16 Jan 2021, PST 8pm

32 145

Now its time for me to sleep too

24 103

Some day, it's just one of those days

243 1176

Decided to open up KO-FI commissions! :D If you managed to request commission for all 3 ingredients, I will hand draw a Little Okitan and mail it to you (No promises that it will 100% arrive safely) so please feed Okitan with Odens ;D There are limited slots for each ingredient!

38 163


72 275

Little Okitan wants to help Master: Part 28 [Join now too]

156 963

Yet another WIP... Any Maou x Okitan shippers? Why are there so little artworks of them. :\ Actually it was because of Xairathan fanfic that I adore them! So thank you, Xairathan!

10 76