

Shy, aspiring artist of fluffy things.

Web Dev since 2012 | Attempting art since 2017

フォロー数:121 フォロワー数:41

Never expected such a big response from that last image, thank you everyone :3 More TF stuff before too long hopefully, not sure if i can produce something as good though :>.

Anyway, here's a sketchy ferret.

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Finished just in time. First ever go at TF, and of course first ever (of many hopefully?) Parts of it came out quite well I think, other areas not so much. Not too bad for my first attempt though :3

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A sketch I've spent way too long on. Yup, yet again it involves a Fox and a rock. First time trying to properly use CSP, getting used to the small differences from photoshop is difficult. Not yet sure if I'll take this further, so thought I would share it as is now.

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I wanted to try doing more of a background, full body, and harder pose. Came out a bit messy, and I feel like I should try and clean it up more and work on detailing the BG but I've already started on the next piece, so may come back to this later. Took ~4-5 hours or so.

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..And Foxification is complete!

This was way, way more difficult that I expected it to be, and still looks a bit off to me but cant really place why. Oh well, I have spent long enough on this and want to move on to something new.

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Fixed up some of the lines and added some colours!

Stilla fair few mistakes in the linework & some proportions, but I’m happy enough with how it is now.

Total time somewhere between 15-20 hours.

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I followed along with a painting tutorial to make this! I wasn’t expecting any good results from it, so I didnt put too much effort into it at first hence proportions being a bit off. I wish I did now though as the result isnt too bad at all for a first go.

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Current WIP, attempting to digitally render fur. I am happy with how the head looks (apart from the ears), but I might not finish this as I'm really struggling, especially with consistency. This kitty is hard with all the different markings!

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