

Heyo! I draw stuff. Lot of original series: Bottled Up art but also fan art like Ice Climbers, PKMN and TNBC. Sometimes actual tweets.

[email protected]

フォロー数:23 フォロワー数:7318

(Showed this during last week’s stream so might as well post it publicly.)

So I was made aware of soap shoes…

12 97

BUP boi

(yes, I am very proud my series acronym is same as this joke)

10 119

10/10 good boi. Would hug if I could.

Painting has never been a style I’ve been too good at so big thanks to TsaoShin’s brushes and great speed drawing videos for tips.

30 153

Some doodles from BUP, blog. Clem and slugma. And another adorable Whinter

15 126

More precious cloud son.

I wanted to make some eye design edits. I made his pupil color the lighter eye color and pupil even lighter. I like it.

5 95

I now know how a mother feels when she sees her baby

9 118

Got places to go! And no time to tie my shoes!

6 124

When you think about your crush

21 174

Sound of waves~

A color experiment. Came out differently than I expected but I like it!

8 99