

"Whaccha Loogin At?"

フォロー数:57 フォロワー数:950

Captain Badriyyah Scarr; Old character of mine form a discarded project I'll beg back in another. A pirate tossed out by her own crew, now tasked with preventing the end of a Golden Age.

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"Flora - Ancient dragon covered in plants and flowers".

Just imagining the Grass Dragon from breath of Fire 4 now. That be spectacular.

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Happy 7th Anniversary Everything you warned of came true, and we will never forget the good times.

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Thought you where the only one? People love Japan doing really classic HF. I think it's Modern Isekai Fantasy that they take umbrage with. Too by the numbers and hallow.

I mean, people adore this look.

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The Queen of the Frozen North, Ultimate Hela, Thalis or Tatiyana, please.

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As for their women? Well, a bit less Porcine, but their stat will still be they will be the brute squad. Might and Stamina buffs, changing abilities, mean crits most like...but also an enhance sense of smell...and sublime cooking. (species wide love for truffles, you see.)

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That means that Orcs follow suit. A playable race, yes, but a race with a D12 dictating whether a god created them, a mad wizard or something else, and they are very Porcine. They are militaristic and straightforward, more ruthless than savage, but they are still Shadow Aligned.

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No disrespect to Science Fantasy or Sword & Sorcery, but right now, we need traditional Arthurian/ Robin hood style medievalism full of Elfs and Fairies, mead and chivalry. Like is Vanillaware ever made a game based on Rankin Bass's cell animated fantasy flicks.

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