//=time() ?>
Test test ada yg mau dibikinin buah ngga? Hehe /anggep aja lagi gaada kerjaan 🥲/
Kalo ada yg mau, reply nama buah favorit yaa hihi 😆
I hope it's not too late 😅
Helloo #ArtistOfindonesia I'm séphir or barsel 👋🏻
I'm a self taught graphic designer and fanartist. I love colors Even though I usually wear monochrome outfit.
Biar Apple to Apple alias gue ngegambar young k versi dulu dan sekarang2:
2018. 2020 https://t.co/wZbEXWQy58
@zonakaryaid Wkwk gpp kan ya small progress is still progress 😂😔✊🏼
2018-an. 2020