best of house targaryenさんのプロフィール画像

best of house targaryenさんのイラストまとめ

until the dragons came.

フォロー数:32 フォロワー数:2845

dressed in the rags of a common girl, with her hair dyed a muddy brown, aerea would spend the rest of the regency working in a stable. she was eight years old and loved horses; years later, she would say that this was the happiest time of her life.

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“orys baratheon himself was a dragonseed, a bastard brother to our grandsire [aegon I]. whether he was conceived of a first night i cannot say, but lord aerion was his father, that was well-known.”

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“but only when viserys was restored to him did aegon seem once more alive and whole.” prince viserys once again became king aegon’s constant companion, as he had been when they were boys together on dragonstone.

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bloodraven but make him a cute bonsai weirwood.

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in the end, the brown dragon was brought to heel by the cunning and persistence of a “small brown girl” of six-and-ten, who delivered him a freshly slaughtered sheep every morning, until sheepstealer learned to accept and expect her.

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“ser, my father is going to join the seven accusers,” egg broke in. “he says it is the only way to redeem aerion’s honor, and daeron’s.”

“not that i ever asked to have my honor redeemed,” said prince daeron sourly. “whoever has it can keep it.”

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alyssa targaryen was as bawdy a wench as any barmaid in king’s landing, as she herself was fond of boasting.

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“aegon gave the sword to daemon. blackfyre, the sword of aegon the conqueror, the blade that every targaryen king had wielded since the conquest…”

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drogon loves mama’s kisses.

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aerys and tywin had known each other since childhood. as a boy, tywin lannister had served as a royal page at king’s landing. when prince aerys won his spurs at six-and-ten, it was to ser tywin he granted the signal honor of dubbing him a knight.

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