apparent mismanagementさんのプロフィール画像

apparent mismanagementさんのイラストまとめ

Lurking. Watching. And apparently paying for taxes. (21+)

フォロー数:1039 フォロワー数:66

like mentor, like mentee.

although with enough practice, clumsy could become an honorary member of the frog family with that face.

2 121

unlucky leaf nun strikes again. imagine how would it'd be if she was in pigeon territory.

or new york.

1 71

an odor so foul that it can cause rabbit nun to actually express emotion and summon the abyss in her eyes.

it really tests the will of friendly rivals in mutually cooperating to face such a horror.

0 111

in exchange for being inducted highly into ribbit ribbit ranks, frog nun was granted a curly donut hair.

fair trade i'd say.

0 101

oh wow. the golden doughnuts were so good that it made chili forego her hustling scheme huh?

doughnut's mom is a real baker to be able subvert cookie shenanigans.

0 104

well-protected duck volunteers. good on them for helping doughnut mom out.

hope their shields don't give out with all that heat.

2 112

called it. i wonder how complex chili nun's scheme will go this time.

and these are beautiful golden doughnuts, not the regular ones they get. this will be expensive.

2 69

another bear this year huh? looks like the last one getting a friend.

and like last year, grumpy must have spent quite the all-nighter to stitch it together.

truly a nice caretaker to her protege.

1 82

even if it was offscreen. the tears are enough to say it all.

truly one of the most heartwarming ends to an arc.

6 292

frog nun is pretty much ready to meet all the parents and induct them into the ribbit ribbit ranks at this point.

3 131