apparent mismanagementさんのプロフィール画像

apparent mismanagementさんのイラストまとめ

Lurking. Watching. And apparently paying for taxes. (21+)

フォロー数:1039 フォロワー数:66

it's a good thing her eyes are closed, otherwise her noodle partner *will* freak her out.

0 144

"It's not a question of how, it's a question of when."
- Hungry nun

at least she's not mourning the loss of her spaghetti like last time.

3 130

alpha frog is a treasure to be had, good on show duck and chili nun for giving frog nun the win.

3 114

determination runs in her blood.

she may not always win, but by all she holds on earth, she will do what she can.

admirable, thy name is frog nun.

4 145

chili medal, pancake medal, song medal. and now frog medal.

star nun would be proud.

1 250

a bad feeling to be had; someone beating you in an area of knowledge where you felt like you've been thorough.

cheer up, frog nun, chili nun will never have your frog drip anyways.

0 73

but she's proven that she could tame the enemy math and let it be her friend.

it just took her like an entire day to get there.

1 9

her attempt to dispose of the test in the bottle was futile from the start.

given that star nun probably had eyes on this area and was fishing around.

3 109

this one duck better be getting paid a lot during this summer, especially since i have feeling it'll be doing this a lot.

2 83

good to see that four slash's statue is still around at present day.

forever immortal in our hearts, brave one.

1 256