apparent mismanagementさんのプロフィール画像

apparent mismanagementさんのイラストまとめ

Lurking. Watching. And apparently paying for taxes. (21+)

フォロー数:1034 フォロワー数:66

fitting she'd be the one giving the proper etiquette and techniques for duck handling. she has become the resident duck leader.

she learned early on and seemed to have a talent for handling and taking care of them. although like everything, she practiced it too.

2 123

One Nun to rule them all.
One Nun to teach them.
One Nun to top them all,
and in shenanigans bonk them.

2 53

F's in the chat for the star duckling, it missed the stargazing it was hyped up for.

Better luck in a few other years or less.

0 115

Glory to Star Nun!

A true apex and the brightest power of the skies. May her supreme standing reign be long and prosperous.

Also this is the first real smile we see from her. She looks adorable. Big happy Star energy.

1 109

aww. her attempts are improving her art is honestly a big mood. she's trying at least and while she has miles to go, her two charges will at least be there to help her.

1 165

the broccoli stack is a tried and tested duck technique from both past and present.

5 67

poor old stepped-on duck, just living his legacy with his beard, and being used as a workaround for the height chart.

"some things just never change."

4 111

Star nun look is just pondering what to do about that 6ft technicality; impressed by the loophole.

At least the ostrich is being honest and giving her the real height.

1 116

the geese that struck fear into the hearts of chili and clumsy appeared to have been tamed. reminds me of that time they tamed a pelican too.

i guess star nun must have taught them how in the past, and now the geese are part of their bird friends gang.

3 155

Frog nun trying hard to assert dominance and fake her tallness. At least her ostrich was more than kind enough to provide Star nun her real height.

Better luck in a few more years, frog gremlin nun.

0 62