

🇺🇸| A fool of a sun spirit. 日本語 beginner sometimes use DeepL, 変な日本語はすみません. Interest in illustration. Header by @StarMonsters1

フォロー数:1204 フォロワー数:108

Another Eden (アナザーエデン) launched in China recently and I hear they get much better rewards and gacha rates... but then I see it's very censored... like Twitter being like "lol I fixed ur art bro" although not as unreasonable. But like, why?

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I drop the f slur and get banned despite being one but Fortnite does it gets verified

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Time to whip out the running shoes and jump rope again... 😫

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Teenage me was into the dark or mysterious type https://t.co/tmY4UaQYlX

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Decided to look at China's Another Eden version and noticed they censored Toova. But... why? It barely changed anything and the bigger shadow clashing with smaller shadows make no sense.

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Hmm. Fascinating. Yes very interesting novel you've written here.

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Ok I wasn't gonna play this game cuz I'm already invested in one that's big enough of a money pit buuuuut..

He's sooooo cooooool....

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