

Illustration + Doodles by @tazsaints -- Currently drawing lots of Pkmn Violet + Sword things~

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Day 16 - we have another collab! this time the super fab did the sketch/lines/flat colour on the broom pic~!

Shell - Skypeak Quartermaster, Sekir Tasht
Broom - Sauinn Herbalist-in-Training, Lilly Fleur

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Day 14 -! had fun with both pics today, despite the wide gap in style lol

Witch - Knights' Guild Archmage, Kuren Winds
Tea Cup - A group of friends on Varuna ~

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Day 13-! managed to finish the witchy one yesterday, and my fabulous decided he wanted to do all of the sword pic, so i had a much-needed day off \ouo/

Hidden- Seastrike Crewmate, Ronas Jahd
Memory Box- Mage Dinah Elphimira III

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Day 12~ drawing a blank on witty things to say today, so i just hope you like the pics <3

Woven - Mandragora Royal Guard, Tupela
Candle - Little-$#!7s-in-Mage-Training, Alphonse Melvin & Max Emmet

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Day 11 ~! still going strong, here's hoping ppl are still liking to see the mix of charas appearing :3

Neon - Rosenstein Blacksmith, Damian Gunnar
Sage - Varu Sages, Yudari Lakshman & Jenika Semple (father/daughter combo)

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Day 10 - we reached double digits, yeee ~! \ouo/

Snake - Demon Assassin, Codename 'Cobra'
Ghost - Little more than a memory, Mage Léopold Sancta

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Day 9 - a day of contrasts, smart-ass prince on one hand, light and bright, and dark edgelord madman on the other :D

Floral - Mandragora Prince, Aspen
Eye - The Fallen Mage only known as 'Viata', his true name lost to time and madness

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i've been learning to heal in FF14 (it's a slow process lol), and i finally reached a point where i'm starting to feel confident healing - i was so proud of myself i wanted to draw something for it, and was inspired by 's gorgeous works <3

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Day 08 - another collab! :DD actual witch , did the lines and flat colours on the kitty pic <3

Veined - Mandragora Royal Guardsman, Lt. Birch
Cat - Smug Familiar, Remmie

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Day 05~! i might be getting a little carried away on these lol

Edible - Rosenvi Chef Jacques Beaufort
Plant - Mandragorae Queen Lily & Pomponi

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