

Illustration + Doodles by @tazsaints -- Currently drawing lots of Pkmn Violet + Sword things~

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my fave champion~ been wanting to draw her for a while and i'm looking forward to seeing her appear in pkmn masters ~!

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at 's suggestion, i present to you: ~*beans*~

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Jamie Sommer + Garuh Stoneback + Wyvurn Kratos + Arnos Assan

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Reena Valentine + Nathan Castagne + Hibiki Bomba + Franz Moraine

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Trina Sancta + Kuren Winds

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it's late, but my annual 'terribad' vday cards are finally done~! this year, it's my FFXIV FC's most active players (plus a couple alts from myself and husbando) -- single cards to follow in a thread~! <3

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i may or may not have totally forgotten to draw stuff for valentines, so you can have my FF14 account's vday glam until i can scrape together something better lol

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dozing off after training

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for those asking 'who are they!' these boys are two new OCs of mine, they're part of 4-person mage core in a knight's guild for a comic i'm working on - i appreciate all the sudden interest and retweets/likes they got! <33

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