('の つ の')さんのプロフィール画像

('の つ の')さんのイラストまとめ

Kutu buku, kadang menulis dan menggambar, penggemar Tchaikovsky, cute things lover
| Deviantart : njay95|

フォロー数:248 フォロワー数:104

Just finish this drawing that already posted too on instagram for children illustration

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Ngabisin episodenya Silver Spoon season dua min, sayang gak ada season tiganya.

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My takes on aries03220 challenge on Instagram.

Sometimes drawing like this one is really difficult, but, still, I love drawing muscle guy that looks hot.

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Kebanyakan anime sih
- Silver Spoon musim kedua di Bstation
- Darling in the Franxx di Bstation
- Gravity Falls di Disney hotstar
- Mencuri Raden Saleh di bioskop

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1. Azuma Kiyohiko (Yotsubato)
2. Asuka Ishii (Hisakata no Oto)
3. Kamatani Yuhki (Shonen Note : Days of Evanescence)
4. Igarashi Daisuke (Children of the Sea)

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An album cover self made based on dtiys challenge work on Instagram.

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And here is, the finish version.
It's quite good since I pick the right color to give it sunny day vibe of summer.

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- Coraline (nontonnya di Tubi pake VPN US)
Ternyata filmnya menarik meski belum baca versi bukunya, dan kagum banget dengan animasi stop motionnya yg smooth.
- Yurei Deco (Bstation)
- Cezzane et Moi (di Tubi pake VPN US juga)
- Kekkai Sensen & Beyond (Bstation)

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