harcos moved lolさんのプロフィール画像

harcos moved lolさんのイラストまとめ

no longer here feel free to follow my new acc @harcosine

フォロー数:616 フォロワー数:664

i triefd onvly rlly putting ones I used my laptop for bt I finished lmost nothing on my laptop at the same time .

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if you take a single glance at them theyv all look straight at first glance /j

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fr absolutely no reason I love hvow kunikida loovks in th anime with differenf lighting , I have no reasonv bvt he jusf looks pretty ,,

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nyways look hw cute he is HS LITTLE HORNS TOO ND TH TAIL ,,, then there's dimple

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nyways happy birthday to the former lonely conman

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First off, Senkuu's hair pre-petrification had a single front strand, and turned into two after petrification. It's still random, but it could be a symbol of how Senkuu plans to rebuild humanity and society.

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