

IMPORTANT. I am not an illustrator.
I'm just tweeting official game images, clip, info
from game site, taptap, weibo, etc.
tweeting use the game name tag+image

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:133344

모바일게임 크림슨렐름 (The Realm of crimson, 绯红之境)
배이 (拜耶, Baye)

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모바일게임 크림슨렐름 (The Realm of crimson, 绯红之境)
힐데가르트 (Hildegard, 希尔德嘉)

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모바일게임 크림슨렐름 (The Realm of crimson, 绯红之境)
조제피나 (Jozefina, 约瑟菲娜)

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모바일게임 크림슨렐름 (The Realm of crimson, 绯红之境)
카운트다운 일러스트

1 2

모바일게임 크림슨렐름 (The Realm of crimson, 绯红之境)
카운트다운 일러스트

0 2

모바일게임 크림슨렐름 (The Realm of crimson, 绯红之境)
카운트다운 일러스트

0 0

모바일게임 크림슨렐름 (The Realm of crimson, 绯红之境)
유 링 (Yue Ling, 月铃)

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모바일게임 크림슨렐름 (The Realm of crimson, 绯红之境)
히미코 (Himiko, 日见子)

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모바일게임 크림슨렐름 (The Realm of crimson, 绯红之境)
루 란 (Lu Lan, 鹭兰)

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모바일게임 크림슨렐름 (The Realm of crimson, 绯红之境)
실로이 (Siroui, 西露伊)

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