

art archive | she/they | main: @cuntyjerma |

フォロー数:218 フォロワー数:92

commission piece for !! 🥰 xiao and venti in college attire ig ? im lowkey vvv proud of this one :3c

4 13

the aqours lesbians..... what will they do 🧐

3 5

c!tommy but his palette is very subtley lesbian. (because i hc him as a trans lesbian!!!! :D)

4 9

just little doodles or whatever ! kinda hot !!

2 5

stupid little doodles done between commissions <3

1 5

BELATED BIRTHDAY PREZZIE TO MY BEZTIE BUT !!! happy bday belli bell 😏💕 look at u and all ur purchases woaw

3 5

omg ur fave creator has opened commissions!!! :D

14 15

gay ponys. i didnt have enough energy to draw flutters and rarity tho 😔💔

4 25