

fanart of Micaiah kissing the Black Knight isnt lore
art acc @endsofthearth

フォロー数:1800 フォロワー数:2182

we as a society need to talk about how good the sacred stones novel artwork is

165 298

(rd spoilers) What I really admire about the character design of tellius is that family members look related without being weird clones of each other

406 978

only dudes bc as a hardcore lesbian i can't insult women

140 315

Character Development: Mica goes from 'The Girl Pose' to 'You Know I Had to Do It To Em'

175 436

Remember that Radiant Dawn has 100% canon lgbt characters in Heather and Kyza, who are respectively a lesbian and a trans lady! While other characters are heavily suggested to be lgbt (Ike, Reyson, etc), its canon that these ladies are!

231 444

The background art in Tellius is so lovely and really helps develop locations

162 302