

i forgot i had a twitter for almost four years || he/him

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vin threatened my life to make me upload this so thank her not me

6 20

46 years young, baby!

5 21

can you imagine how much nicer nicky's life would be if her brother just got a real job

2 11

if you can guess the theme of his team you win one (1) free ticket to kick my ass for bad team design

4 21

i asked for prompts for a palette challenge and predictably, everyone suggested

3 17

local idiot can't stop Making It Weird when it comes to cheekbones apparently

1 8

emerges from the depths to quickpost some art from the last couple weeks

3 12

apparently it's fucking superb, you funky little anarchist

22 60

i'm genuinely tickled by how well these turned out so be prepared to see them absolutely everywhere

6 29