

art acc but mostly shidou ryusei…

フォロー数:176 フォロワー数:693

HAHAHAHA NGAKAKK BANGET, kayak gini kah maksudnya?🤣

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hello! you can call me kejora and i am a self taught digital artist.

here are some of my latest work✨ and if ur intrested i am having an art raffle! you can see it in my pinned^^

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apakah ad yg mempunyai kritik dan saran? i feel like si yuuta nya posenya agak awkward but ak bingung posenya diubah jadi gimana...

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Joining the marnie trend!

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close up muka ayang

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introducing, my oc in superhero universe! you can call her "Niskala" or by her hero name "keong emas" inspired by a legendary story called "keong emas" from east java.

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damn i really hv trouble on finding my own style

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my latest wip untuk lomba dari isi dkv 😸 temanya "superhero nusantara"

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