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the ultra beasts of #PokemonSunMoon UB-01, UB-02 Absorption, UB-02 Beauty, what are these creatures are they classed as pokemon or aliens
next we have togedemaru (electric/steel) lol #PokemonSunMoon and bounsweet (grass type) what do you guys think of the new pokemon?
here are two more new pokemon from sun and moon #PokemonSunMoon we have komala (normal type) and bruxish (water/psychic type)
#PokemonSunMoon im sure you've all see the second evolutions of the starters, brionne, dartrix, torracat i do not like the water one
#PokemonSunMoon alolan raichu there are also two forms and electric and psyhcic form which is pretty cool
#PokemonSunMoon #pokemon palossand and turtonator lol love that name cannot wait for the release of the new gen 7 games
guys its back #NatsumeYuujinchouGo natsume and nyanko sensei have returned for season 5 of one of my favourite animes #anime
fellow #PokemonSunMoon #pokemon fans you can download keldeo from the nintendo network today