


フォロー数:553 フォロワー数:65

Rua. Protagonist of a short comic I might possibly actually finish. idk if I should even talk about projects I've barely started. I just wanna come in here one day and BAM, publish a whole comic in one go.

1 4

You can't defeat me you moron.
I have the whole wolver armor set.

1 5

Ok so
-Ralsei likes weed
-Sprigatito is weed cat
so the logical crossover is...

2 12

"Well... the signal leads here..."

1 3

I love the way you paint and I always get a kick out of your art (s h r i m p). It really puts a smile on my face a lot of the time. You also always make your characters so dang expressive! Great stuff

12 48

Hey, it's me again! The old art you shared with me was a huge inspiration. I love how your lines have that sketch-look and the soft colors you use, it's great! also goats

5 31

After seeing your art on the Stellaris subreddit, I decided to finally make myself a twitter to find other artists. Your lineart is just too good, and the way you draw faces has really influenced my style. Really good stuff.

4 14

Your pixel-ish art is my favorite and I love how you draw characters! Also your stuff is always so mystical and cosmic, it's the best! Bonus points because fellow g o a t appreciator

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