Jason Scottさんのプロフィール画像

Jason Scottさんのイラストまとめ

Proprietor of TEXTFILES.COM, historian, filmmaker, archivist, storyteller. Works on/for the Internet Archive. Rank Amateur.

フォロー数:704 フォロワー数:48159

We've been messing with this prompt all morning, and I believe if you don't know who it is, no sense front-loading it, so here's some examples.

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I got invited into yet another AI image generation space, this one not or - it has many of the approaches of DALL-E but the dozens of people in there (vs. hundreds of thousands) take it into another dimension.

Anyway, here's as a GTA drawing.

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I took a shot myself, I got sort of in the same space.

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As you can see, the variations are similar but they all miss the floating flowers, but they're pretty in their own right. Manipulating variations and making the dice-rolling work in your favor is likely one of the main obstructions coming to people doing anything in this space.

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And as you can see, it will do variations (randomness) essentially forever around the concept. I can also tell it to focus on one particular item and give me more "like" it. Let me do the second one with the floating pot of flowers.

Side note: I love flowers

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This is me telling the drawing program (and it is NOT a sentient thing) to give me microwave ovens in landscapes reminiscent of Studio Ghibli films. It has produced something, somewhere, but I can still sense the Midjourney in it.

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"What's twitter like"

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I am not overly interested in exploiting my cat's memory, any more than I was in exploiting his life, so I don't want to go through making T-shirts again, even though it was wonderful. created the shirts, and if he wants to make a new run, he has my full permission.

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Agree. Midjourney does you much better.

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