

he/him • 26 • white • bi • infinity train, doctor who, owl house, amphibia, she-ra, vox machina, tdp, atla, tlok • @chariteagreen ♡

フォロー数:374 フォロワー数:2437

happy rymin eve everyone

20 82

a teeny tiny little hazel

11 63

I love how each season of Infinity Train is loosely based on a classic work of literature

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Centaurworld characters wearing black turtlenecks this season bc they're actually centwhores

9 36

Uh oh gang it’s Min-Gi Monday!

11 38

Can’t believe it’s Win-Gi Wednesday

6 28

You already know what day it is

1 12

If I had a nickel for every time an Amphibia girl broke down crying in the storyboards and someone in production said “woah that’s a bit too much, let’s not include that shot”, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice

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