

I am Funkybun (she/her), making NSFW exhibitionism art for all of you!
you can find my art over at:

フォロー数:31 フォロワー数:80906

Lily was expecting emil in costume for this invite, but not like this.
here is a surprise early halloween pic! enjoy!

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A small ink commission for symile!
curvy bird peen is the best >:3

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cass is such a good pet X) I had a lot of fun with this one! I hope you like it!

If you'd like to see more, patreon is always 2 pages ahead at
I am currently also busy with making a game, which is going swimingly! I cant wait to share it with you

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vibrators! >:D and on the highest setting, how long would you keep this up?
I am very much a fan of teasing Emil <3

Patreon is always 2 pages ahead :3 incase you want more!
Currently I am busy with an exhibitionism point and click game! so look foreward to that!

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and this is the final page X) I hope you enjoyed this little comic!

I will be a bit slow with uploads possibly because I continued work on an exhibitionism point and click game that im really excited about!
consider supporting my work! at

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it was toys all along! >:3
I hope you like a cockring X) I recently gained a liking to those!

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dom Sophie X)

page 3 of 5

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