

Guild Wars 2 Khan-Ur

フォロー数:192 フォロワー数:14499

Useless fun fact of the day: at the start of the Sylvari intro cinematic you can see the Pale Tree's avatar being reflected in the water... Now if you flip this image and invert it she looks just a tiny bit different than she does in game.

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Somehow I've missed this last Tuesday, but the Laying to Rest instance got a new loading screen

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Look who's shown up in the gemstore sale banner

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Soo-Won is on the smaller side compared to the other Elder Dragons in but she's still a lot larger than Aurene

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Exactly 10 years ago I started as that_shaman, I've seen many people come and go in the community so I would like to thank you all for the huge amount of support and love you've given me all these years ❤️

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Some differences between the anti aliasing options in

SMAA Low appears to be about 34% faster than High. High takes more samples but the difference is negligible in motion. FXAA is roughly 5 times faster than SMAA High but tends to be very blurry.

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A decade ago on this exact day we as players got our first taste of exploring a brand new world. Happy 10th anniversary of Beta Weekend Event 1 !

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Seeing that reddit post about the low poly pigeons ( I decided to check just how low poly they where. They have 72 vertices!

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Spoiler: the entire story of EoD will revolve around a court dispute between Evon Gnashblade of the Black Lion Trading Company and Joon of the Xunlai Jade Company deciding who will get the exclusive rights to sell skiff skins.

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Useless fun fact of the day: did you know there are cars in the Durmand Priory cutscene? (they're hidden slightly out of sight behind another layer)

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