


フォロー数:473 フォロワー数:1025

the cancelation of this game woke me up and made me realize
companies actually aren't cool https://t.co/mrXwgmOdHq

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look at how elongated she is

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I think it'd be neat if they pulled a yu & rei and made him a dual character with Oniko and have her more prominent in his animations

power couple

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I think Oshare Bones' design having the back of his jacket be drawn swooping perfectly from his ribs to his pelvis bones is super cool and godly character design work
He really was designed completely with Fever's more angular and flowing art style in mind

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he sure does fit in tho huh

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they would be good friends

0 12

why did 2 other skeletons appear with Skeleton T in 7 was there ever an explanation I only played thru the English patch of 7 once and dont remember a thing

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