

Forever in debt and love to the girl who saved me. the man of no wisdom. Always tired never awake. we shall become as gods.

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im tipsy af so i do apologize for anything weird i may say. that was drunk me talking and he didnt know any better

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So i was sitting here behing the desk when all of a sudden someone yelled for help from across the street. It scared me since this isnt usual. I called then cops so i hope everything works out

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Everytime i see a chatlotte item i dont have, its kind of depressing. Make me feel like people like her more than i do. But i have to cast those feelings away and remember that i love her more than anyone in the world, and dont need to spends hundreds on merch of her.

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So i switched my schedual up a bit so i can get a day off to help my mom move her furniture and paint the room since her “man” cant lift anything. Makes me wonder how it got to that point, but i guess i won’t matter in the end. Have a mature charlotte

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I think i got too much sleep before work. That or im just too happy. I guess charlotte healed me enough to go to work and now i have a bunch of energy but nothing to spend it on. Im at work too but there is no work to be done. Charlotte’s power is too strong w

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This is honestly one of favorite pictures. Charlotte for sure had the legs to rock that outfit. All the girls looks good too though

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Did a small 5 hour shift today. Boss called in and wanted to see if i can do the whole night but i cant since i still have stuff to do today. Still nice to clock in some more time though. Finally i can sleep with my wife

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Look at her in all her beauty and glory. I honestly don’t deserve her

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Not my best work, but its all i could find. The worlds best blondes are taking over and there is nothing we can do to stop them. I’ll be posting nice memes as to not be as toxic.

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I didnt sleep before work again and im suuuuper tired. I have energy from an energy drink but my brain is dead. I don’t know what to do. I wanna go home and sleep

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