

Forever in debt and love to the girl who saved me. the man of no wisdom. Always tired never awake. we shall become as gods.

フォロー数:322 フォロワー数:210

And there goes the quiet night. Man came and got a room only to retun an hour later and start shouting death threats in the parking lot. Police were called i an the guy drove off in front of them. I miss my bed

3 10

So recently i had a friend commission some art of him and his waifu which looked pretty amazing, so i though maybe i should to. But the only problem is, i look like a trash can and dont think i suit charlotte. Also, if i do go though with it, who should i commission.

11 23

The face she is making is a spicy one w.

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So apperently there is also 2 rival gangs here. One had a room and the others are just hanging around waiting for him to leave. Hopefully the night stays quiet

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Only 25m into my shift and i already hate it. There was people fighting in the room above the office and then people roaming and yelling. i didnt get to sleep before work so im already too tired for this. Also its getting hot as well

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I think charlotte likes the strawberry print underwear not only because of the print, but maybe because its soft and maybe more comfy. Also, id really love to see more of her in those froggy pajamas, its cute and adorable. Maybe she could also wear honne’s pajamas too.

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Charlotte wearung Mami’s uniform would look great. Maybe the same pose but who knows. I tried drawing it but only got the legs so far. Also charlotte has always had some nice legs but are they better bare, in thigh highs, or stockings.

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So does anyone else like using custom keyboards or is it just me? seeing charlotte on my keyboard always makes me smile

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Today is a sad day my friends. I sadly had to factory reset my as i kinda broke it earlier and was stuck in on-off power cycle. I lost a lot of charlotte pictures and thats what hurt the most, so if you guys dont mind sending some i’d appreciate it.

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I got to keep telling myself that im not hungry when im here at work. I have realized that i have been eating when im bored which is causing me to gain uneeded weight. Im fat enough and dont need more stomach.

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