

Posting shianigans
Comic Illustrator | M | 27 |

フォロー数:453 フォロワー数:23

Decided to a quick drawing of one of the my characters I rarely draw- Medys

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Hey, I go by Candlebite.
I like drawing OCs, comics and I'm starting to learn animation.
If ya wanna say hi- you can message me.

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Drew up that plant chic Kanna from

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Drew up my Favorite characters from my subsequent games with friends.
Moon, My "Thunderbirb" of an Cleric
Tigre, My Monk, Wrestling Champion
and finally Azid, My Creepy Child

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tis a perfect night to not sleep and draw Ashido

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So I decided to finish that sketch i did, fully... geez,.. its late..
head hits pillow

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It's been a too long since I updated mi comic so here:
full webcomic here:

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Finished page 15 of my Devoured World
to read more its here:

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Back to doing things for a bit, heres this,
My villian Medys
The Devourer of Space

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Been working on this for a good two monthes,
Devoured World, a story of magic, monsters and- occasional shenanigans.
so just gonna post up the first few pages here, check it out if you're interested:

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