

Insta @ JuliaQ__ • • Dᴇᴛʀᴏɪᴛ📍Chaldean✝️🇮🇶🇺🇸 • • Boyband enthusiast 🎶 / ⚯͛

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So.. is not going to sing....

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I'm in love with the shape of food

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Our podcast is now officially on !!!! Download the free app and listen to all of our episodes!!!

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When I'm trying to be healthy but life keeps tempting me 🤷🏻‍♀️🍫

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Zero connection between "Johnny" and "Baby" It's so awkward.

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1st podcast! 20 Somethinghood Episode 1 : Strip Clubs & Booties https://t.co/ULwf6JWrZ4

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If it ain't XO then it gotta go 🎶

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The Weeknd with Selena Gomez ??!?? Not sure how I feel about this

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