


フォロー数:3157 フォロワー数:2137

Oh, to move up rarity and snag a Midas or Pharaoh These are my favorites of the

3 23

Is seems like these could be Good Luck 🍀 charms for Jacksonville Jaguars 🐆 fans to get this season going!?! Nation!

3 28

I’m a big believer in , building for the marathon, not just a sprint.

4 14

. I like art, I like fun, I like family… But the hard choice is hero or villain?

6 16

Hey we at were wondering if you get luggage aboard could you take one of our space cadets with you? don’t take up much room! Who wouldn’t want to go with To boldly go where no NFT has gone before!

6 18

. for when you CHOOSE YOUR FAMILY! Much love

2 6