

Drawin n chillin', style dabblin', art supavillain, if you’re a minor don’t follow me or i’ll tell yo mother. PFP by @TKMZ0 ❤️
posts might be 18+⚠️

フォロー数:389 フォロワー数:1178

Retro-fied Skull Queen. I really dig how it looked in the end

5 19

wish I could draw something else besides for work today

0 3

One Piece gal commission, check out for the full view!

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probably “Dicks” I wish they make a movie out of it

0 1

Eden Academy’s newest student for !

12 79

without title version.
Also I made her eyes more cartoonish compared to the old design, so she can emote more

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Oh yeah I found this really old art of the Entrapdakids as the Addams kids

2 12

Hmmm i feel like I want to scrap and redo this

0 2

WIP, just watched Bullet Train

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