Saeyoung !! 🚀🌟🍅さんのプロフィール画像

Saeyoung !! 🚀🌟🍅さんのイラストまとめ

Fueled by Honey Buddha Chips and PhD pepper!! || #mysmes RP account || main account: @707slittlestar

フォロー数:1012 フォロワー数:1241

Really??? You think so??
I'm glad you think that! I was scared you wouldn't like me because of them >.<
Of course I'll let you pet me and cuddle me!!!^^ I want your pets and cuddles after all!!

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My boss gave me the weekend off for the upcoming holiday!!!
Lucky me! Lucky me! lololol

I was thinking of going out!!! Do you wanna come with me??
I hope people don't stare too much at my ears.. >.<

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Ah! I do feel it >.<
Looks like I have bunny ears now TvT can you still love me, if I have these big floppy bunny ears??

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Of course I'll let you touch my fluffy bunny ears lololol >:D

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I went to get some Dr. Pepper and Honey Buddha Chips and Vanderwood kept looking at me weird lololol
I don't understand why though, do you maybe know why?? >.< lolol

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// dw dw, unknown makes an exception for you >:3 hehe

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// ahchvjk pls he's not lolol
This was the other one I made lol I feel like he'd say that- ahcjckk

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I stayed up until 12 am, so I can be the first one to say good morning to you today lololol

GOOD MORNING!!!! >:D lololol

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