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In the future, the Madness won’t just be restricted to March. #MarchMadness #comics #babybadass #NCBD #WonderCon2018
Baby Badass made a Number 2.
In stores tomorrow #BabyBadass No.2 HIS ORIGIN STORY REVEALED! #ncb #ncbd #newcomicbookday #newcomics @ActionLabDanger #newcomicbookwednesday #newcomicbookdaywednesday
In the future, most days will be #NationalDirtNappingDay #NationalNappingDay #babybadass @ActionLabDanger #comics
@EnterTheHero Hey Dustin, we want to send you #BabyBadass No.2 to review — it’s only been two years since Joey wasn’t ready for the pole. @ComicBastards
Call #BabyBadass - just don’t expect him to play by the rules. #WhenINeedAHero
@ErikJLarsen Love this. However, in the future, nobody listens to anyone. Baby Badass Vol.1 TPB now in Previews. A volatile cautionary tale about the fragility of the great American experiment. Plus some poop jokes. #babybadass #comics @ActionLabDanger
We salute you #GabriellaPapadakis staying a true badass during a #wardrobemalfunction at the #WinterOlympics2018 - Joey can totally relate. #babybadass #comics #IceDancing #nipslip
In addition to being flat out awesome, #BlackPanther is also the movie most likely to make @realDonaldTrump shit his pants—more so than usual.