

He/Him. My name is Austen Beaver. I like comics, video games and reading books. Banner is by @TheRedJoka.

フォロー数:524 フォロワー数:739

Game 3:
Playable Characters: All of the ones so far with Roy as Arsenal plus Emiko
Rival Archers: Malcolm Merlyn and Shado
Main Villain: Moira Queen

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Game 2:
Playable Characters: Same except Roy plus Connor and Mia
Main Villain: Richard Dragon II
Rival Archer: Cupid

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Green Arrow Game Trilogy, Game 1:

Playable Characters: Oliver, Roy(Speedy), and Black Canary
Main Villain: Count Vertigo
Rival Archer: Tommy Merlyn

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Garth: "I miss my wife, Jackson, I miss her a lot."

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Man was a harem protagonist before it was a term.

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My Top 4 fav Sonic characters.

No real rhyme or reason. I just love em.

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My favorite evil Doctors in fiction.

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