Chris Burnhamさんのプロフィール画像

Chris Burnhamさんのイラストまとめ

Artist of Batman Inc, Nameless, Die!Die!Die!, Nixon's Pals, and The Unstoppable DOOM PATROL!

フォロー数:1324 フォロワー数:21214
# batcow

Catching up on the Megazine. Good gravy, 's art and colors just crackle with energy!

15 42

Awwww RIP Paul Ryan, the successor to John Buscema's "what comics should look like" throne!

34 76

I caught up on ANNIHILATOR, aka "the show." Holy shit, that is some crazy comic booking.

7 19

Lookit this radical Cliff Robinson Judge Dredd boot tread. Does anyone else draw it like this?

29 57

Speaking of Luther Strode, 's pinup in the Nixon's Pals HC, out this March from Image, is INSANE.

18 35

Page one. Panel one.

13 22