

sure, Batman is cool, but have you ever read a Cassandra Cain comic?

comic enthusiast that occasionally dabbles in fanfiction…

フォロー数:1015 フォロワー数:554

Reed quoting other Fantastic Four members cuz he's in a "fuck around and find out" mood will never not be a masterclass of a character moment.

13 75

Jessica Drew is not straight

133 838

One of my favorite running gags is Captain Marvel trying to tell a joke and people reminding her she's not funny. It's ok Carol, I found it funny

16 76

Now that Defenders Beyond is done, I can officially say that I love how at the end of the issues, someone thought to include additional readings if you wanted to learn about a certain character or concept introduced. More comics need to do this stuff

8 25

THIS MAN ALSO FUCKS. A LOT. Like how you mad at him whoring around when even in universe it's known he fucks

4 24

They want you to believe that this man, THIS MAN here doesn't make jokes. Daredevil is a giant goofball

3 24

Happy Batman day to the most worthy heir to the Batman mantle. I love Cassandra Cain so much

31 101

I guess T'Challa's badass boasts are a genetic trait passed down cuz oml this line really goes hard

11 60

Bart's respect and admiration for Wally is one of my favorite things about him

5 23

3. Teen Titans (2014) homaging The Lost Boys (1987)

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