The Davies Labさんのプロフィール画像

The Davies Labさんのイラストまとめ

Marine Population Genomics Lab at Boston University led by @DaviesswPhD

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Thanks to the theme of today (cave dwelling fishes), I learned about Leptoseris troglodyta, an Indo-Pacific coral that lives on the ceilings of without 😯 by

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O. arbuscula is one of a few facultative corals. Another is Astrangia poculata, which we also work on. We use them to better understand what coral physiology is like without symbionts AND without having to subject them to crazy stress.

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Ofav (as we like to call it) lives in the Caribbean. It's sadly one of 22 corals that are officially listed as threatened. We're so lucky to have a few colonies in the lab from the , which we will be using for experiments later this fall. Stay tuned! Photo:

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There are a lot of different terms that describe the stinging nature of the cells, so here's a handy comparison of the differences b/w cnidocytes & nematocysts (11/)

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Sidebar: bell, arms, what? Let's close out the morning by checking out the anatomy of a medusa. The 'jelly' part that we're used to seeing is the bell at the top, which houses gonads, the gut, muscles, and the mouth. Arms extend from the bell, w/ stinging cells (6/6)

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There is only so much space on a small, remote island that can fit the criteria of a "runway" for these birds, so they frequently use the main path through the research station as their catwalk - and they're not very good when they're learning (4/)

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You may have also noticed just how *colourful* the reef fishes are, esp when compared to countershaded open water fishes. These colours can have a wide array of functions, like predator deterrence, mate-finding, camouflage, & ambush predation (4/)

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Body shape is a big factor in how well organisms can fit their environment. Lots of reef fishes have 'pancake' body shapes, where they're flattened from the sides, as opposed to a streamlined, torpedo-shaped open water fish (2/)

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I also TA'd loads of courses & BMSC before taking an instructor position in the field school for UCalgary in & an instructor/course & lab coordinator position in the intro ecology at UCalgary (5/)

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Lab member represented coral research in collaboration with students I-Fang Hsieh (studies ombrotrophic peat bogs) & (studies ncRNAs' role in muscle regeneration) to display the art of at !

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