Jake & Tom Conquer The Worldさんのプロフィール画像

Jake & Tom Conquer The Worldさんのイラストまとめ

Described as “the conversations overheard from geeks sitting at the end of the bar”, we talk film, comics & some plain weird stuff! Member of @The_GWW network!

フォロー数:5960 フォロワー数:10733

That’s been one of my favorites since before we ever had a bulldog!

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Is it possible that a cow might be a better person than Gene Simmons?
Find out what we think at https://t.co/Y7zqEa1fN8

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Jake FINALLY convinced Tom to give Dr Who a chance.
Listen at https://t.co/lLgpdCzWm7 to hear his first impressions!

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Listen to a NEW EPISODE as Jake & Tom review the book "AD: After Death" by Scott Snyder & Jeff Lemire


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We'll be interviewing comic creator & all around man's man, !
Send in your questions & we'll read the best ones!

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Join us as we sit down with Comics writer the discuss his book, "Eclipse"!


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Listen to an ALL NEW Episode of as Jake & Tom go over all the latest geek news items!


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Listen in as we try to decide if is as bad as they say it is!


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