

A grumpy Twitch affiliate who sometimes plays games. That's pretty neat.

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So I've been exploring The Wastelands again & I must say of all the entries 76 was the LAST one I imagined getting knee deep into but, here we are.

NPC's w/ character, better quests, dialog choices, interesting storylines, etc., all there. The Engoodening of 76 is underway...

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Toss a coin to your Recliner, oh valley of comfy!

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Another very awesome piece of fan art from the very kind & talented
Thank you so much again for this. Pretty much sums up my feelings on headcrabs...

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A rough, but successful night Recliner Nation! Managed to find & bring the water chip back to Vault 13 removing the looming time limit. TYSM to all who came by tonight & hung out, you all are great. I'll be back tomorrow night w/ MORE Fallout. G'night Recliners!

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That's a wrap on Dead Space Recliner Nation! TY to all Recliners who came by & hung out and to for the raid. I'll be back tomorrow night @ 11PM EST w/ the new CALL OF CTHULU title. What horrors will we uncover on Darkwater Isle? Tune in & find out! G'night Recliners!

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Another spooky night of Silent Hill 2 behind us as we've reached the Lakeside Hotel & w/ it, the final stretch of the game. Thanks to all who came by tonight & hung out in the stream, I can't thank you guys enough. We'll be back w/ more tomorrow night! G'night Recliners! :)

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Finally, The RagingRecliner now has OFFICIAL Twitch SUB BADGES for you wonderful Recliners who've upgraded their sweet, sweet Recliners! Thank you to the ever so talented Brittany Givens ( ) for the awesome artwork!

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