

Fav games: Chrono Cross & 999(ZE);
Eorzean resident (Typhon);
BMSG, Mazzel & Ran fan account: @viovelia

フォロー数:822 フォロワー数:266

I haven't posted commission pics for a while but here's a cute and smol (for her race) femroe for a lovely client's friend~~ I hope the world situation improves soon and we can all see our friends and families worldwide again~

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Bust + BG Commish for a really sweet client 💕💕 this one is probably a personal favourite of mine out of the recent pieces I've done!

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Sometimes I get invested in a client's WoL cause of their story/description... makes their characters so fun I'm kinda attached to them now ><

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Opening a smol batch of commission slots! I made a mistake in the additional Half-Body character pricing last time so I fixed it this time, sorry for that!! ><
More details at:
As always~ RTs are appreciated! 💕 Thank you~~~

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The non-chibi ver. of my previous post haha~ I enjoyed the brown palettes and warmth of this piece~

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A smol chibi bonus I drew for a client as I went over the estimated completion time >< I'm lucky to have such patient clients ><
Contemplating adding these as a commission option haha but I don't draw chibis very often

3 10

A recent bust commission for ~ thank you for trusting me with her! I liked the yellow/blue/peach colour combination of this WoL! Her hairpiece reminds me a little of those palace-court type dramas~

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I realize I never posted my end of the art trade with on my Twitter D: (Distracted by Ishgard last time!) Kite is such a pretty WoL!! I also think that the Kite/Granson dynamics are super cute 💕

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More bust commissions! Almost at the end of my current batch~ working slightly slower to prevent burning out so I'm thankful for the patience! 😭

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A piece I finished a while back for a cute couple! 💕 I like drawing couple pics but I don't find my own WoL very shippable so I'm happy to get these kinds of commissions~

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