

I draw a lot and like looking at other peoples' nice art🤡Professional meme-er💀日本語 ok-ish💖Please ask before using my art for anything. Thank you💕 ✨

フォロー数:1440 フォロワー数:5850

Anyways since I got a buncha last-minute followers since yesterday despite warning them against doing so and there's the possibility of twitter going down,
It's the perfect time to repost my Brump ship art I made during the last election that I said I'd post if Biden won

9 39

OC fact of the day: he suddenly loses a significant amount of braincells and becomes a lot more clumsy when he’s in simp mode

4 30



Fictional characters that I irrationally hate because they have ugly bastard energy and I don't care what their personality or role is and I hate them no matter what and would explode them with my mind if God didn't nerf me:

1 19

The suit fits him 🤷

14 101

I haven't gotten past Week 2

39 148

Fun OC fact: the only food she can safely make is a plain donut because they require absolutely 0 taste

2 28

If this counts as Halloween art-

11 58

I may slightly alter the design of her staff later just to make it more “KH/Disney” vibe-wise
But imagine getting jabbed in the eye by that thing mid battle because she wasn’t watching where she was swinging

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