

23. Multi-purpose nerd, mostly comics, film and anime. Let's player on the side when time allows. Praise Haruhi.

フォロー数:521 フォロワー数:415

I would read an Ano spinoff light novel

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Those shorts on Bruce

0 0

Finished the main storyline of Kindred Spirits on the Roof. Lots of great characters, excited to dig into the bonus scenes

1 1

Two years of High School Family, not an outcome many people expected

0 3

You've heard of angels and devils on your shoulder, now introducing surly British men on your shoulder

0 3

Seeing the characters in their Fall uniforms... I can't wait for it to be that weather. September 2nd isn't enough, get me to October already

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The old Youka can't come to the phone right now

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