

Conceptual art project exploring process, evolution and diaspora. Starting from a single idea a transitional sequence is created via the next creative response.

フォロー数:877 フォロワー数:1191

Navigating the New: Series 1: 3/12: Clutching a talisman to ward off pleonexia

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Where We Find Ourselves Series 12: 3/12: Pulling a rabbit from a hat

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Where We Find Ourselves Series 11:5/12: Inhabiting the spatial and the temporal

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Where We Find Ourselves Series 10: 5/12: Corralled by the rising tides

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Where We Find Ourselves Series 9: 10/12: Ignoring the spiralling hype

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Where We Find Ourselves Series 5: 3/12: Plastering over the Achilles' heel

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Where We Find Ourselves Series 4: 10/12: Crossing the bridge

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Where We Find Ourselves Series 4: 1/12: Stained by blackberries

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Where We Find Ourselves Series 2: 12/12: Feeling the phantom limb

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Where We Find Ourselves Series 2: 2/12: At eye level

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